When I found out I was pregnant with Evan, we just got a Chocolate Lab puppy 2 days prior. And let me tell you, being very sick and pregnant with a crazy puppy was no walk in the park!!! Bruli DROVE ME CRAZY!! His puppy breath made me nauseous and watching him run around made me extremely dizzy! I was bummed that my horrible case of 'morning sickness', which lasted all day for more than 18 weeks, was making me dislike this beautiful little puppy!
I remember thinking to myself, I cant wait until he is out of this puppy phase!!! Once he was a few months old and my 'morning sickness' died down I was able to enjoy this adorable pup! As many know, Chocolate Labs are just a tab bit hyper. So thinking about a newborn baby with a crazy dog made me very nervous especially since Bruli was suppose to be 'the baby' for a few years.
As I have mentioned before when Evan was born, the first question I asked the dermatologist was, "What about a cat and a dog?" Thinking about Evan's skin condition and a crazy dog made me worry we would 'no longer be able to have any animals'. Luckily that is not and was not the case! Though, when Evan came home we were very cautious and concerned about Bruli or Teala (my first cat) getting too close to Evan.
Obviously we are more laid back now. Bruli is a wonderful dog and is so protective over Evan. When Evan cries or is upset, Bruli will walk over to him and rest his head on his lap. Other times Bruli will wait and comfort Evan while I get his bottle and Bruli will keep looking back at me like "what is taking you so long?" For a 70 pound dog he is very gentle when he is around Evan. He will lay down next to Evan when he is on his play mat and Bruli tries to lick the food remnants around Evan's mouth after he eats! Evan is always giggling at things Bruli does since he is a major goofball! He is constantly reaching for Bruli when he is near him and surprisingly is not at all frightened when Bruli barks or acts crazy. There is no doubt that they are buddies and I cant wait until Evan is older and is running around in the yard playing with his pup!
Kisses from his buddy

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