
Sunday, October 28, 2012

One Happy Mama

I am sooooooo excited to announce that Evan has started moving forward in his pony-walker. He is still working on sitting, rolling, propping and crawling but has finally reacher his "Ah Ha" moment with the 'walking' part. Last night I recorded this video which was the the first time he took more than one step forward (for the past two weeks he has only moved backwards). Any movement is a major achievement for this little guy. I can definitely say that I am "One Happy Mama". Yay!

Love my lil guy

Off to finish up the hurricane prepping. Hoping the power doesn't go out but at least this year I am more prepared than last. Stay safe East Coast!


1 comment:

  1. I found your blog through Blessed By Brenna. Love your blog and your little boy. You have such a positive outlook when many people would struggle and say "why me." Its amazing to see the joy that Evan brings to your life and he is so lucky to have you as his mommy. You seem like such a great mom through your writing and I can hear the overflow of love in your voice in your video. Evan is quite a little cutie. Just wanted to stop by and show some support from one mom to another. :-)
